Little Reminders


The past month has been rough…emotionally, spiritually, physically. 

I’ve been frustrated with myself and not taking full responsibility for the way my life was going. I wasn’t happy here in Lithuania, always thinking about how I’d rather be home. I was blaming external circumstances for my lack of discipline to my work (soccer + art), to my relationships, but mostly to myself. 

I guess I sort of lost my way in the midst of the world’s craziness, and instead of taking it upon myself to find clarity and peace amongst the chaos, I fell into bad habits. Bad mindsets. And a bad attitude. (ew, such a snore) 

About two weeks ago I had to get alllllll the way real with myself. Is this the kind of life I want to live? What is my purpose here? What do I want to gain from these experiences? Am I being the best version of myself? 

I took a giant step back and reevaluated my actions, my life, my mindset, and my environment and DECIDED that I wanted more out of life than what I had been allowing. I sat down, set some goals, vowed to hold myself accountable, and I feel so much better now that I am finding my way back on track. 

The point here is this: no one can be the best version of themselves 100% of the time. We ALL fall off sometimes. We all make mistakes. We all get stuck in ruts that are hard to get out of. What matters most is recognizing that you are worthy and deserving of a full, abundant, and healthy life. And then DECIDING that you will take hell-bent action to make that life a reality. 

The world we live in today is uncharted territory. Everything is changing and uncertain and scary. But by focusing our energy and attention on the things we can control will allow us to live a life (mostly) free from the burden of the times. 

I am looking forward to being a better person for myself, so I can in turn, show up better for you all on this platform. My cup felt half empty, but I am reminding myself that actually, it OVERFLOWS. I am grateful.

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